Tooth Extractions

Tooth extraction is the process of removing a tooth, usually due to disease, trauma or crowding.
Sometimes teeth are beyond repair due to either the extent of the decay or the advanced loss of bone due to periodontal disease. When this occurs the infected/affected tooth is removed from the mouth with care of the socket to preserve the remaining bone and leave the site more favorable for possible dental implant placement.
If you need a tooth extraction, we will first numb the area to lessen any discomfort you might feel. After the extraction has been made we will advise you of a post-extraction regimen to follow. In most cases a small amount of bleeding is normal; gauze and pressure is applied to help. As time progresses your mouth will slowly fill in the bone where the tooth root was through the formation of a blood clot.
Here are some tips to follow to make recovery easier:
- Avoid anything that might prevent normal healing.
- Don’t smoke or rinse your mouth vigorously.
- Avoid drinking through a straw for 24 hours.
- Follow any diet instructions suggested
For the first few days, you can rinse your mouth gently. If you experience swelling, apply a cold cloth or an ice pack/bag and call your dentist right away. Ask your dentist about pain medication if you are in discomfort. You can brush and floss the other teeth as usual but don't clean the teeth next to where the tooth extraction was performed.
Remember, when having an extraction, today's modern procedures and follow up care (as recommended by your dentist) are there for your benefit and comfort.